GrandFamily Resource Center
The GrandFamily Resource Center serves grandparent-headed families in the Greater Philadelphia area. In Philadelphia, there are 17,000 grandparent-headed families. African American children are disproportionately affected, with 1 in 5 living with their grandparent for all or some of their childhood. Learn More →
GrandFamily Programs
Grandparent caregivers experience significant stress in their parenting role and while navigating a digital school system. They may face financial hardship, legal hurdles to accessing services, and lack of appropriate care from service providers. Connectedly’s GrandFamily Resource Center and its three programs use a trauma-informed, culturally and linguistically sensitive approach to alleviate these challenges so grandparents can live stable, fulfilling lives, and be vital supports to the children in their care.
“[Connectedly’s] grandparent group is like having a best friend… that’s given me hope and the faith to keep going because I am not alone. You may not find a solution that day, but you will collect enough information to head in the right direction. And we are blessed to have Arlene as our mentor.” –GrandFamily Resource Center participant