Tips to Combat Loneliness

  1. Get outside for a walk. Walk as much as you can. A short walk is a great way to start off 2024. If the weather is bad, mall walking is popular.
  2. Call a friend. We all like to receive a phone call.
  3. Say hello to a neighbor. Once you say hello, tomorrow, someone will say hello to you.
  4. Schedule a regular time for a phone or FaceTime call with loved ones. If you know that you will be speaking with your loved one every Tuesday at 6 pm, you will feel less isolated.
  5. Volunteer. Many volunteer opportunities exist both for in person and for remote opportunities.
  6. Get a pet. Or volunteer to pet sit for friend/loved one.
  7. Write a letter to someone you don’t see. This may start a ‘pen pal’ type of connection.
  8. Join an activity group. You can learn something new or expand your expertise about a topic.
  9. Visit a local library or community/senior center for classes.
  10. Join a Connectedly group. You will meet like-minded older adults. Contact us to learn more.

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